An mta question - Printable Version
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An mta question -
yoan103 - 20.02.2010
I have created landjumps that are rotaded 0, 20, 40 etc... and it became a loop

, so i want it to create the same loop without me doing all the hard work again, is it possible to select the loop and Copy it, i know it's with the ctrl button but i want the whole loop to be copied is it possible
Re: An mta question -
yoan103 - 20.02.2010
And if you don't know please do not post that it isn't possible
Re: An mta question -
yoan103 - 20.02.2010
BUMP: Please help me
Re: An mta question -
Noi$ekick - 20.02.2010
I don't think it's possible since it are more then 1 object.
Maybe there's an option somewhere you can select several objects and copy them all in 1 go but I don't think so..
Re: An mta question -
yoan103 - 20.02.2010
12 hours passed: BUMP: Please help me
Re: An mta question -
Joe Staff - 20.02.2010
This isn't an MTA forum.