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Time in The Godfather - Printable Version

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Time in The Godfather - isaac. - 19.02.2010

Good morning everyone one. I am isaac. from Hong Kong, also I am a newbie of rcon, I host my server with GF script, and I find that the time always slower then the virtual times 1 hr, how can I fix it?

Re: Time in The Godfather - Norn - 19.02.2010

Originally Posted by isaac.
Good morning everyone one. I am isaac. from Hong Kong, also I am a newbie of rcon, I host my server with GF script, and I find that the time always slower then the virtual times 1 hr, how can I fix it?
Hello Isaac, welcome to the forums.

Please post questions regarding the godfather script in the godfather topic!

Re: Time in The Godfather - isaac. - 19.02.2010

oh sorry! Thanks for your reminding, sorry for post in the wrong page. =)