GM not Linux compitable? - Printable Version
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GM not Linux compitable? -
Petes_Smith - 18.02.2010
Help with Linux
Hello for a lot of time i was running my server under windows without any problem.Before a couple of weeks I changed the host due better price.Anyways the problem i've got is when i try to buy a car or enter a house/biz my server crashes,Also I know that linux is case-sensitive.Maybe the below must be changed?
pawn Код:
new File: file = fopen("bizz.cfg", io_read);
pawn Код:
new file: file = fopen("bizz.cfg", io_read);
(changed the "F' to "f")
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
iron_war_lord - 18.02.2010
No, it's not that.
File is TOTALLY different to
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
Petes_Smith - 18.02.2010
My server is using files to save some information (player stats, server logs, etc).I am using
UTF-8.Maybe that isnt Linux compitable? If yes,could you help me>?
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
iron_war_lord - 18.02.2010
Originally Posted by Petes_Smith
My server is using files to save some information (player stats, server logs, etc).I am using under
UTF-8.Maybe that isnt Linux compitable? If yes,could you help me>?
My opinion: I think anything that you script in Pawno will work on Windows and Linux the same way.
I think it could be that Linux isn't compatable with the format you are writing the file in...
You might need to check out the differences between Linux and Windows text files are written in Pawno
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
Souvlaki - 19.02.2010
AH,here..I am using fwrite with utf_8 too
I got the same problem too.Any kind of help will be appreciated
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
iron_war_lord - 19.02.2010
Try manually making a file, then see if it will read it, if it does, then the fwrite may not be compatible with Linux...
Re: GM not Linux compitable? -
Souvlaki - 19.02.2010
Originally Posted by Zinglish
Try manually making a file, then see if it will read it, if it does, then the fwrite may not be compatible with Linux...
I solved my problem.I moved to KingJ Server and i got it working!