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Objects not loading - Printable Version

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Objects not loading - Locc - 18.02.2010

I saw someone else with the same problem, and it was fixed but it didnt say how it was fixed. But when I load the MP I pretty much have no textures. I'm hosting just on a lan. I think it has to do with the car mods.

The other post had this SS, and its exactly what mine looks like. Any ideas on how to fix?

Re: Objects not loading - Virtual1ty - 18.02.2010

Under OnPlayerSpawn or similiar callback put:
pawn Code:
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
EDIT: I told you!

Re: Objects not loading - Locc - 18.02.2010

Thanks, where would I put that?

Re: Objects not loading - Correlli - 18.02.2010

Originally Posted by Locc
Thanks, where would I put that?
Originally Posted by Virtual1ty
Under OnPlayerSpawn or similiar callback

Re: Objects not loading - Locc - 18.02.2010

In what file..etc...

I'm not real familiar with scripting on here, I think I found the file to put it in gl_actions.whatever it was. But I don't think I'm placing it in the right spot or using it in the right context, it didn't make any changes.

Re: Objects not loading - Locc - 19.02.2010

I fixed it.

Using the sa limit adjuster from here...

Thanks for your help though.