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how to disable a command? - Printable Version

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how to disable a command? - Sampiscool123 - 14.02.2010

How do i disable players from using a command? but only one command because i want to stop people from using /nos at a race. How would i stop players using a command if they did /race?


Re: how to disable a command? - Moglizorz. - 14.02.2010

You want to see if the player has typed /race and if he has return a message, else continue with the nos.

Re: how to disable a command? - jamesb93 - 14.02.2010

When they enter the race make a variable like raced[playerid] == 1. Then check if it's == 1 when they type it.

Re: how to disable a command? - Sampiscool123 - 15.02.2010

How do i make a variable?

Re: how to disable a command? - gotenks918 - 15.02.2010

new raced[playerid];