[HELP] Command returning irc . - Printable Version
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[HELP] Command returning irc . -
trindade02 - 14.02.2010
hello all
I have a question, not very mecho with IRC.
My question is: how do you return to reason, for example, a player he was muted by such administrator I'll show you my command to take a look
pawn Code:
else if (strcmp(param, "/mute", true) == 0)
if (pDataInfo[playerid][Logado] == true && pDataInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2)
new player1, tempo, motivo[256];
param = strtok(cmdtext, idcmd); player1 = strval(param);
if (!strlen(param) || !IsNumeric(param)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| /mute [playerid][minutos][motivo]");
param = strtok(cmdtext, idcmd); tempo = strval(param);
if (!strlen(param) || !IsNumeric(param)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| /mute playerid [minutos][motivo]");
if (tempo < 1 || tempo > 60) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| /mute playerid [minutos 1 - 60][motivo]");
strdel(cmdtext,0,6); motivo = RetornaMotivo(cmdtext);
if (!strlen(motivo)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| /mute playerid minutos [motivo]");
if (IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if (pDataInfo[player1][Logado] == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| O jogador nгo estб logado no servidor");
if (playerid == player1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| O jogador que vocк escolheu й invбlido.");
if (pDataInfo[player1][Mutado] == false)
bd_escrever_int(pName(player1),"JogadorMutado", 1); pDataInfo[player1][Mutado] = true; pDataInfo[player1][Avisos] = 0;
pDataInfo[player1][TimerMudo] = SetTimerEx("DesmutarJogador", tempo*60000, 0, "d", player1);
format(stradm,sizeof(stradm), "|| %s(%d) foi mutado pelo administrador %s(%d) [%d minutos][motivo: %s]", pName(player1), player1, pName(playerid), playerid, tempo, motivo); SendClientMessageToAll(COR_VERMELHA, stradm);
SendClientMessage(player1, COR_VERMELHA, "| Agora vocк nгo pode usar o chat/comandos/pms atй que seja desmutado."); PlayerPlaySound(player1,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0);
return PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1058,0.0,0.0,0.0);
} else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| O jogador jб estб mutado e cumprindo sua penalidade.");
} else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| O jogador nгo estб conectado no servidor.");
} else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_VERMELHA, "| Й necessбrio ser no mнnimo moderador para usar este comando.");
in part, he speaks
pawn Code:
format(stradm,sizeof(stradm), "|| %s(%d) foi mutado pelo administrador %s(%d) [%d minutos][motivo: %s]", pName(player1), player1, pName(playerid), playerid, tempo, motivo); SendClientMessageToAll(COR_VERMELHA, stradm);
wanted to return this message to the IRC
someone help me?
sorry my bad English.
Re: [HELP] Command returning irc . -
woot - 14.02.2010
You need to use an IRC plugin.
Re: [HELP] Command returning irc . -
trindade02 - 14.02.2010
I'm using this plugin
with this plugin does not have as of right?
Re: [HELP] Command returning irc . -
trindade02 - 14.02.2010