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Curious - ihatetn931 - 14.02.2010

Now i want a scirpters point of view, Ok as of now i use the orginal pawno that comes with sa-mp server to do my gamemodes, Now i'm not sure if this has been asked but what i would like to know is what is the best compiler for working on my gamemode. I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

I did use the search but i really couldn't be ass going through the 40 pages that it came up with, I think i went through the first 10 and didn't find anything usefull.

Re: Curious - Quincy_Gatlin - 14.02.2010

You can check out last night I downloaded the new SAM[P]CE it works with 0.3 and I think it is pretty neat.

Re: Curious - Correlli - 14.02.2010

Originally Posted by [SL~RP
ihatetn931 ]
Now i want a scirpters point of view, Ok as of now i use the orginal pawno that comes with sa-mp server to do my gamemodes, Now i'm not sure if this has been asked but what i would like to know is what is the best compiler for working on my gamemode. I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
Compiler is the same, PAWNO is not a compiler, it's just an IDE like Pawn Studio or Pawn SciTE, ..

Re: Curious - ihatetn931 - 14.02.2010

I know about the sa-mp wiki site, but would i like to know what is the best one to choose from like doing daily scirpting that has compiler nshit. What does everyone esle use?

Re: Curious - Correlli - 14.02.2010

If you don't like PAWNO so much, then try the Pawn Studio.