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something about gates opening and closing - Printable Version

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something about gates opening and closing - thecutkiller - 14.02.2010


I'm making a base with a gate for a server.
I'm done but now I want such a protection of the gate that you need to have [BS] in your name to open and close the gate.

How can I do this?



Re: something about gates opening and closing - VonLeeuwen - 14.02.2010

if(strcmp(cmd, "/open", true) == 0)
if(strcmp(GetPlayerName(playerid), "[BS]", true, 3))
//do your actions
You could trys omething like this

Re: something about gates opening and closing - Calgon - 14.02.2010

Originally Posted by VonLeeuwen
if(strcmp(cmd, "/open", true) == 0)
if(strcmp(GetPlayerName(playerid), "[BS]", true, 3))
//do your actions
You could trys omething like this
1) You can't use GetPlayerName like that, it's a variable that the value is unloaded to
2) strcmp would check the absolute value, meaning that it'd have to be either the whole string or not at the start

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/open", true) == 0)
    new Name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
    GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );
    if( strfind( Name, "[BS]", true ) )
      // Execute
      // Doesn't have "[BS]" in their name, so yeah.
    return 1;