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Piece of code dont work! - Printable Version

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Piece of code dont work! - sean5874 - 14.02.2010

I've made an '/report' command, but the code dont work. If you write '/report Johan_Shitface is a fcking noob', you receive a UNKNOWN COMMAND. If you write '/report' only it works, but you cant write anyting behind it, so this function is pretty useless. Below you can see the code:

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/report", true, 10)==0)
		rp[playerid] = GetTickCount();
		new str[128];
		new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
 		GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof (pname));
		format(str, 128, "* REPORT: %s Sender: %s (%d)", cmdtext[7],pname,playerid);
		for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
				SendClientMessage(i, PM_INCOMING_COLOR, str);
		return 1;
Who knows a solution for this?

Re: Piece of code dont work! - Lightning[SV] - 14.02.2010

Heres the solution