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problem to close dialogid window - Printable Version

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problem to close dialogid window - jasonnw666 - 13.02.2010

i have a script but the window don't close when i clic on "shutdown"

	// menь
	if(dialogid == 41)
      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 42, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Menu - Windows Seven:", "Microsoft Office Outlook 2010\nWindows Live Messenger 9.0\nInternet Explorer BETA1\nEMAIL BOX:READ EMAILS\nEMAIL BOX:DELETE EMAILS", "Select", "Shut Down");
    return 1;
what can be the problem?

Re: problem to close dialogid window - Miguel - 13.02.2010

pawn Code:
if(dialogid == 41)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 42, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Menu - Windows Seven:", "Microsoft Office Outlook 2010\nWindows Live Messenger 9.0\nInternet Explorer BETA1\nEMAIL BOX:READ EMAILS\nEMAIL BOX:DELETE EMAILS", "Select", "Shut Down");
Try that.