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Kick automatic - spyware· - 13.02.2010

Hello, for a future I want to put clans in my server, in order that the people do not invent the clan or his nick is spy [ware] and similar things I would like to be able do like in order that when someone between with these signs they expel him from the servant automatically
Kes to say if some player has a nick with this "[" or "]" expel it immediately

Thank you

Re: Kick automatic - Eazy_Efolife - 13.02.2010

if(strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "[", false) != -1 && strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "]", false) != -1)
stock GetPlayerNameEx(playerid)
  return string;
Try this.

Re: Kick automatic - spyware· - 13.02.2010

What ? I will be silly but .. where I put this? In OnPlayerConect? And it of below?

Re: Kick automatic - Eazy_Efolife - 13.02.2010

Originally Posted by spyware·
What ? I will be silly but .. where I put this? In OnPlayerConect? And it of below?
Put GetPlayerNameEx anywhere in the script,

put the
if(strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "[", false) != -1 && strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "]", false) != -1)
under OnPlayerConnect

Re: Kick automatic - spyware· - 13.02.2010

1 error

error 010: invalid function or declaration

Re: Kick automatic - Eazy_Efolife - 13.02.2010

Show me the line of the error, because the anti [ ] works on my server.

Re: Kick automatic - spyware· - 13.02.2010


C:\Documents and Settings\Escritorio\sa-mp\gamemodes\Deathmatch.pwn(163) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

Re: Kick automatic - Eazy_Efolife - 13.02.2010

Originally Posted by spyware·

C:\Documents and Settings\Escritorio\sa-mp\gamemodes\Deathmatch.pwn(163) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Originally Posted by Eric_
Show me the line of the error, because the anti [ ] works on my server.

Re: Kick automatic - spyware· - 13.02.2010

Excuse me I do not speak Englishman and the translator sometimes confuses the word

if(strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "[", false) != -1 && strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "]", false) != -1)

Re: Kick automatic - Eazy_Efolife - 13.02.2010

Originally Posted by spyware·
Excuse me I do not speak Englishman and the translator sometimes confuses the word

if(strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "[", false) != -1 && strfind(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), "]", false) != -1)
Are you 100% sure? It works on mine D:

Try re-adding it.. Maybe you put it in wrong