Dialog help - Printable Version
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Dialog help -
yoan103 - 13.02.2010
i have a dialog /help witch opens me a list of options, and i have a question when i select a thing on the dialog how do i make it to show another dialog

i know how it is done but i have another dialog about vehicles and i want it to show when i select the dialog item vehicles. (When I select vehicles, must open me another created dialog)...
Re: Dialog help -
hab2ever - 13.02.2010
try it
pawno code:
#define WELCOME 2011
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true) == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,WELCOME,DIALOG_STYLE_MSG BOX,"Help Menu"," Your Message's Here ","OK","Cancel");
return 1;
and this list
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/drinks", true))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Help Menu List", " Your Messages Here", "Selcet", "Cancel");
return 1;