SetPlayerFacingAngleToPoint or ToObject - Printable Version
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SetPlayerFacingAngleToPoint or ToObject -
sushihusi - 13.02.2010
Hey All !!
I am doing a sport gamemode and i need something.
I have created an object(a ball). I need to set the player's facing angle to this object, but the object is allways somewhere else and i don't know the correct angle.
Is there an useful function SetPlayerFacingAngleToPoint or SetPlayerFacingAngleToObject or SetPlayerFacingAngleToPlayer?
Can somebody help me?
Re: SetPlayerFacingAngleToPoint or ToObject -
sushihusi - 13.02.2010
Now i dont need it because I have found it
stock GetAngleToXY(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:CurrentX, Float:CurrentY, &Float:Angle)
Angle = atan2(Y-CurrentY, X-CurrentX);
Angle = floatsub(Angle, 90.0);
if(Angle < 0.0) Angle = floatadd(Angle, 360.0);