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Player location isnt loading? - Printable Version

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Player location isnt loading? - owner jacob - 12.02.2010

the players location is saving but the players location isnt loading help? im a newbie lol

Re: Player location isnt saving? - Rzzr - 12.02.2010

This is normal, you have to script this yourself.

Re: Player location isnt saving? - Niixie - 12.02.2010

You need to set it in the file and load it with /login

Re: Player location isnt saving? - owner jacob - 12.02.2010

i dont have a login command I use the login box u register first then login

Re: Player location isnt saving? - owner jacob - 12.02.2010

Originally Posted by owner jacob
im new to samp servers
?? idk where i would start

Re: Player location isnt loading? - [HiC]TheKiller - 12.02.2010

There is a edit button, and look at dini tutorials.

Re: Player location isnt loading? - owner jacob - 13.02.2010

i know there is lol and ill look for it what is name of tutorial?

Re: Player location isnt loading? - owner jacob - 13.02.2010

i cant find the tutorial.... still

Re: Player location isnt loading? - owner jacob - 13.02.2010

tutorial name plz?!?!