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Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Printable Version

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Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Noredine - 12.02.2010

I need AddStaticSAM(float x,y,z of 2 screens.

Thank You in Advance.

Exemple :
Screen :

Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Rzzr - 12.02.2010

There's no such thing as an AddStaticSAM

Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Noredine - 12.02.2010

If there is such a thing ...

Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Noredine - 14.02.2010


Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Fedee! - 14.02.2010

Originally Posted by Noredine
If there is such a thing ...
What is "AddStaticSAM" ?

If you wanna add that, search the object id, get the cords and do it with CreateObject

Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Noredine - 14.02.2010

me don't know this , me need help

Re: Guys can you give me AddStaticSAM - Onyx09 - 14.02.2010

CreateObject its what you need and the object id :P use samp wiki and ******