Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
BurnOutt - 12.02.2010
Hey, I tried to run a linux server by the SSH, i do the cd XXXXX
./samp03svr &
then, there is an eror message.
it's said :
sh: /home/XXXXXXXX/samp03/announce: Permission denied.
i dont know what to do, in a Windows Server It's run perfect, without erros.
after this eror, the server is run, with MODE : UNKNOWN
and when i login, i cannot do command like /login and things...
please help me, thanks...
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
CrunkBankS - 12.02.2010
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
BurnOutt - 12.02.2010
write this in the SSH ?
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
CrunkBankS - 12.02.2010
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
CrunkBankS - 12.02.2010
cd /home/XXXXXXXX/samp03/
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
BurnOutt - 12.02.2010
okey, now the eror messge gone, but on the sa-mp it's say MODE : XXXXXX
and when i login it's didnt load the mode, i can't use command's...
and in the server_log
Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
and there is my server.cfg:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 123123
maxplayers 100
port 7777
hostname SSSSSS
gamemode0 rp 1
announce 1
query 1
maxnpc 25
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
plugins streamer
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
CrunkBankS - 12.02.2010
Error in gamemode
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
BurnOutt - 12.02.2010
here is no problem in the gamemode, i run it on a windows server, and it's run perfect !
only at the linux server, i dont know what the problem i change it to what you said.
it's doesnt work...
in the server_log, there is an eror with the plugins to, look :
[09:38:02] Server Plugins
[09:38:02] --------------
[09:38:02] Loading plugin: streamer
[09:38:02] Failed (plugins/streamer: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[09:38:02] Loaded 0 plugins.
may it be the problem ? what i've to do ?
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
CrunkBankS - 12.02.2010
Don't use that plugin
Re: Run Linux Serv Eror, Please Help -
BurnOutt - 12.02.2010
ok, i remove that, now i've a problem with the gamemods in the server_log :
Script[gamemodes/rp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
what now i've to do ?