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Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

i tried a [FS] earlier witch would let only a play with a certian name enter a car. it didnt work because it gave me errors and i cldnt seem to fix them.

can someone PLEASE give me a link to one because ii cant find one and this will finish my server



Re: Someone help please - Grim_ - 11.02.2010

Something like this:
pawn Код:
//top of script
new car;

car = CreateVehicle(..); // or AddStaticVehicle

if(vehicleid == car)
  new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
  if(strcmp(name, "desired name here", true) != 0)

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

i will try. thank you

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

ok it didnt work. i can enter other peoples cars. it doesnt give me any warning

Re: Someone help please - Grim_ - 11.02.2010

That only disallows you to enter the selected car, unless your name is whatever you put in the quotation marks.

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

i know. but i made more people have this. i can enter their cars and i dont have their name

Re: Someone help please - GTAguillaume - 11.02.2010

if(strcmp(name, "desired name here", true) != 0)
Hmmm this will be called when the names are NOT the same (strcmp returns a 0 when the strings are equal):
if(!strcmp(name, "desired name here", true))
Edit: @_Xerxes_: Ohh im not good in english :d

Re: Someone help please - Grim_ - 11.02.2010

Originally Posted by GTAguillaume
if(strcmp(name, "desired name here", true) != 0)
Hmmm this will be called when the names are NOT the same (strcmp returns a 0 when the strings are equal):
if(!strcmp(name, "desired name here", true))
I know, that's why it is "!= 0".

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
if(vehicleid == Roney_Remington)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
if(strcmp(name, "Roney_Remington", true) != 0)

thats what i have. nd i have

new Roney_Remington;

that is at top under includes. then there is

Roney_Remington = AddStaticVehicle(463,-917.7588,2680.2612,41.9102,313.2037,86,86); // tjs bike 3

tht is under gamemodeinit

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

it doesnt lock anyone out of any car

i made like 15 cars for 3 people. they can all enter eachothers cars

Re: Someone help please - RoneyRemington - 11.02.2010

someone please help me. my server will be done after this is done

Re: Someone help please - Grim_ - 11.02.2010

I forgot..

Use CreateVehicle instead of AddStaticVehicle, that should do it.