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guns - ihatetn931 - 09.02.2010

is there a way to tell which gun a person chooses, Like when they select a gun so they can shoot with it, For example they roll there mouse button and they get a message like

SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have just changed to a deagle");

I wanna do somthing like that in an action like a /me on role play server

so instead of having to do hotkeys nshit it automatically does a action command when they choose a gun in the guns they have

Re: guns - ettans - 09.02.2010


Re: guns - ihatetn931 - 09.02.2010

Originally Posted by Ettans
that would work if i scirpt it in right, Like it would automatically send the command shiznit when they select to each gun.

[me="[SL~RP]ihatetn931"]pulls out a deagle[/me]
[me="[SL~RP]ihatetn931"]pulls out a m4[/me]

i just want it so it auto detects the weapon the player switched to. If that will work, Should be fun scirpting. Long lol

Re: guns - ettans - 09.02.2010

I believe GetPlayerWeapon gets the currently held weapon. Make an array with the weapon id's an name. Then format the text and send it.