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[REQ] Walkie Talkie - Printable Version

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[REQ] Walkie Talkie - Oggle McFoggle - 05.02.2010

I'm requesting help in scripting walkie talkie, with such commands like /setfreq etc.

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Joe Staff - 05.02.2010

Ok, despite the fact you should have place this in the Script Request Thread. I'm going to make it.

pawn Код:
new Float:pFrequency[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
    new tmp[64];
    format(tmp,64,"Your ferquency is now %s",tmp);
    return 1;
    if(pFrequency[playerid]==0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Use /SetFreq <Frequency> first!");
    new tmp[150];
    format(tmp,150,"*[%.01F]%s: %s",pFrequency[playerid],tmp,cmdtext[3]);
    for(new ply;ply<MAX_PLAYERS;ply++)
    return 1;
  return 0;

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Oggle McFoggle - 05.02.2010

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
Ok, despite the fact you should have place this in the Script Request Thread. I'm going to make it.

pawn Код:
new Float:pFrequency[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
    new tmp[64];
    format(tmp,64,"Your ferquency is now %s",tmp);
    return 1;
    if(pFrequency[playerid]==0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Use /SetFreq <Frequency> first!");
    new tmp[150];
    format(tmp,150,"*[%.01F]%s: %s",pFrequency[playerid],tmp,cmdtext[3]);
    for(new ply;ply<MAX_PLAYERS;ply++)
    return 1;
  return 0;
Thanks a lot, going to try it out.

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Oggle McFoggle - 05.02.2010

Sorry but there is only one command /setfrequency but I'll need the whole system like /wt [text]

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Torran - 05.02.2010

Originally Posted by Oggle McFoggle
Sorry but there is only one command /setfrequency but I'll need the whole system like /wt [text]
He gave you that because thats all you asked for
For more post in Script Request Topic

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Julian2574 - 05.02.2010

He added the Walkie talkie talk .. Check "W" ..

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Calgon - 05.02.2010

Steal all of my ideas from my server...

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Daniel_June - 05.02.2010

Originally Posted by CalgonX
Steal all of my ideas from my server...
No one is stealing ideas from your low life server?

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Calgon - 05.02.2010

Originally Posted by Daniel_June
Originally Posted by CalgonX
Steal all of my ideas from my server...
No one is stealing ideas from your low life server?
I don't recall seeing any server with the exact same commands for Walkie Talkies, and the exact same player who got banned recently.

Re: [REQ] Walkie Talkie - Julian2574 - 05.02.2010

Originally Posted by CalgonX
Steal all of my ideas from my server...
There's plenty of servers' out there with that , As mine ( Updating it until releasing to futher notice ) , LVRP ( Adam Chaprnak - Dunno if he still got it ) SFRP .. And alot more server . Please do not post this idiotical posts' Next time don't think you're server is "Unique" . Based on my mind and this post it made me take it to Worst idiotical server top list 1.