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sa-mp can't install - Printable Version

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sa-mp can't install - alp - 02.02.2010

I do not know why I can not install sa-mp

Re: sa-mp can't install - Mr.Dzx - 03.02.2010

Originally Posted by Kye
Before posting, please review

Here is the information you should provide in a new post:

1) SA-MP version.
2) Windows version.
3) Video card type.
3) IP:Port (if any) of the server you are trying to play on.
4) If you are crashing, paste the crash report in your post and say when the crash occurs.
5) If you are crashing loading SA-MP, please say whether GTA:SA single player works (test it).
6) Do you have any other GTA:SA mods installed? e.g. new vehicles.