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[FilterScript] [FS] Engine System v2 - Printable Version

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[FS] Engine System v2 - Torran - 25.01.2010

[FS] Engine System v2

Open up: "Engine System"
Put: "engine.pwn & engine.amx" into your filterscripts folder
Open up "server.cfg" and add "engine" to your filterscripts line
Run your server and get in a car!

Commands & Keys:
F/Enter = Get out of the car
Shift = Start the Vehicles engine
/engine = Start/Stop the vehicles engine

What it does:
This filterscript is a engine system,
Get in a car on your samp server,
Press Shift or type /engine,
You will recieve a message,
2 Seconds after the engine will start,
If you get out the car while engine is running,
And get back in, The engine will still be running,
If you type /engine while engine is running,
Your engine will stop,
Sometimes your engine fails, And sometimes it starts

Other info:
I have added an additional F/Enter so you can get out the car,
Without this you will be stuck, Incase F/Enter does not work,
You can use /exitveh to get out your car

[img width=200 height=200]/imageshack/img13/8366/samp001cj.png[/img]

[img width=200 height=200]/imageshack/img503/8264/samp002w.png[/img]

[img width=200 height=200]/imageshack/img31/2980/samp003ne.png[/img]

[img width=200 height=200]/imageshack/img13/8856/samp004wy.png[/img]

[img width=200 height=200]/imageshack/img204/2752/samp20100126003425.jpg[/img]


Download Link v1:
Download Link v1:
Download Link v2:
Download Link v2:

Torran = Creating & Scripting
[SAP]Sidhu = Idea of Engine Fail & Start

If you have any ideas or bugs, Just tell me xd
I used /clearchat so some of the engine is missing, On the engine failed start

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - quite_scream - 25.01.2010

You had better upload of

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - Torran - 25.01.2010

Done, Check first post

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - quite_scream - 25.01.2010

Nice FS

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - Torran - 25.01.2010

Originally Posted by quite_scream
Nice FS

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - Gaudenas - 25.01.2010

good work man

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - Torran - 25.01.2010

Originally Posted by Gaudenas
good work man
Thanks, And remember if you have any ideas just tell and il release in the next version,
Also if you come across any bugs just lemme know

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - sidhu123 - 25.01.2010

Try making the engine failing to start sometimes

Re: [FS] Engine System v1 - Torran - 25.01.2010

Originally Posted by [SAP
Sidhu ]
Try making the engine failing to start sometimes
Done, Releasing it now

Re: [FS] Engine System v2 - John Rockie - 26.01.2010
