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Return multidimensional array - Printable Version

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Return multidimensional array - Blekk - 22.01.2010


I was wondering if it is possible to return a multidimensional array from a function?

I assume it is and I'm just declaring the variable to receive the function wrong.


<receive variable> = <function whose return is a multidimensional array>
I keep getting the error:

error 017: undefined symbol "<receive variable>"

pointing at the line where I have the above code.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your time,


Re: Return multidimensional array - iLinx - 22.01.2010

new var = func();
try that, and you cant use < and > in your identifiers for variables iirc

Re: Return multidimensional array - Blekk - 22.01.2010

Ah, I've sorted it out, I hadn't put "new" infront of my receive multidimensional array and I had also spelt the function name wrong...argh.

And thanks iLinx but yeah I know you cant use angle brackets, I was using them to show where the variable and function were in my declaration.

Thanks for the reply, it made me see my stupid mistakes, everything works now.

