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[FilterScript] [FS]XBenchmark - Printable Version

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[FS]XBenchmark - hk_shade - 17.01.2010

Here's my new script which can make a benchmark for your server and test your computer's speed for running the server.I think it may be the first program for this as filterscript.
-Benchmarks in samp-server.exe as FS
How to use:
-Enter /xbenchstart as rcon command
-When you move the scrolling bar,the benchmark may stops,but the time is still counting.Doing this will lower your marks.
-Your server_log.txt will be huge after running this(increased about 40-100MB,I think).You should delete the file or removing the lines made by the benchmark program.
-The maximum marks is 32767 and that means it needn't take time for running your server and the program!
-It's suggested that you have to tell the number of players and what other programs that take a lot of CPU or RAM usage are running.Doing this will be more fair when compared with others.
-My mark is 31785 and takes about 19minutes to finish running it.
-Sorry for my bad English and thanks for your support.


Re: [FS]XBenchmark - wolfcock - 09.07.2010

NICE WORK, keep it up :P

Re: [FS]XBenchmark - Aleks10 - 22.08.2010

C2D E6700

Re: [FS]XBenchmark - bpeterson - 22.08.2010

PAWN code should be using PAWN highlighting not C++.

Re: [FS]XBenchmark - Geso - 22.08.2010

30838, 2 npc's online