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Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Celson - 17.01.2010

Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle?

Would I have to do any recording? If yes, what recording type?

Has anyone done this before?

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - [03]Garsino - 17.01.2010

Record him then put him in the vehicle as a passenger? Or record him as a passenger

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Celson - 17.01.2010

Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
Record him then put him in the vehicle as a passenger? Or record him as a passenger
I tried that, I may have done it wrong. Has anyone ever managed to get a NPC into a passenger seat of a vehicle?

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Beaver07 - 12.04.2010

sorry to bump an old thread but i really want to know if anybody has been able to do this, because i took a stab at it and have had no success i tried recording with them as a passenger and on foot neither seem to work :/

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - [03]Garsino - 12.04.2010

Originally Posted by Beaver07
sorry to bump an old thread but i really want to know if anybody has been able to do this, because i took a stab at it and have had no success i tried recording with them as a passenger and on foot neither seem to work :/

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Beaver07 - 12.04.2010

wow lol you think that i am not trying that? ... >.<

if (OnDuty[playerid] == 998 && TaxiTest == 1 && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))
	  new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
	  new chat[128],playername[128];
	  GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
		format(chat, sizeof(chat), "Hello %s",playername);
	  ApplyAnimation(TaxiBotID, "ON_LOOKERS", "wave_loop", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Wave
	  PutPlayerInVehicle(TaxiBotID, TaxiID, 2);
not putting them in the vehicle

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Beaver07 - 13.04.2010


Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - .(Infinite Imagination). - 13.04.2010

PutPlayerInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seat);
seat = passenger (0 (driver), 1 (co-passenger), 2 and 3 (passenger's))

Re: Is it possible to get a NPC in a passenger seat of a vehicle? - Beaver07 - 13.04.2010

Originally Posted by © ŦĥЗ ǺĽẽẌṖŎịŚỘń
PutPlayerInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seat);
seat = passenger (0 (driver), 1 (co-passenger), 2 and 3 (passenger's))
did you not read my post? ... if you did you will notice i have used PutPlayerInVehicle.. but it will not put bots as a passenger? anybody know why?