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[Map] [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Printable Version

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[MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - vytas_lt - 16.01.2010

  if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/rescue911") == 0)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1644, -1063, 568);
    return 1;
CreateObject(14846, 1657.07421875, -1049.130859375, 568.59301757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1536, 1642.0930175781, -1055.3035888672, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 89.324340820313);
CreateObject(1536, 1642.0700683594, -1052.2806396484, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 268.68713378906);
CreateObject(14842, 1650.5928955078, -1069.0113525391, 567.20098876953, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1523, 1657.5645751953, -1073.2701416016, 563.65856933594, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2904, 1656.3682861328, -1073.2580566406, 564.96472167969, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2528, 1657.3299560547, -1069.7874755859, 563.65856933594, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2523, 1655.7817382813, -1071.5098876953, 563.65856933594, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
CreateObject(2613, 1660.9064941406, -1071.9663085938, 563.65856933594, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2904, 1665.3260498047, -1073.2452392578, 564.96472167969, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1523, 1666.5394287109, -1073.2497558594, 563.65856933594, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1778, 1666.6566162109, -1069.3135986328, 563.697265625, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1789, 1665.6942138672, -1072.8286132813, 564.21478271484, 0, 0, 180.63439941406);
CreateObject(1499, 1669.5720214844, -1065.8892822266, 564.97515869141, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3051, 1671.4486083984, -1065.8959960938, 566.32238769531, 0, 0, 316.33032226563);
CreateObject(14632, 1677.3889160156, -1067.4886474609, 566.55218505859, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3051, 1665.5554199219, -1054.888671875, 567.51770019531, 0, 0, 316.33032226563);
CreateObject(1499, 1666.1695556641, -1054.990234375, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3051, 1654.65234375, -1055.0645751953, 567.51770019531, 0, 0, 316.33032226563);
CreateObject(1523, 1656.7709960938, -1055.1131591797, 566.17858886719, 0, 0, 178.6494140625);
CreateObject(2167, 1653.546875, -1055.2952880859, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2332, 1656.1665039063, -1058.4337158203, 566.61840820313, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
CreateObject(3051, 1652.8371582031, -1059.0975341797, 567.51770019531, 0, 0, 320.30029296875);
CreateObject(1523, 1654.8952636719, -1059.0689697266, 566.18103027344, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
CreateObject(1499, 1642.5308837891, -1057.4772949219, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1499, 1652.2999267578, -1052.3386230469, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(3051, 1652.3391113281, -1054.3937988281, 567.51770019531, 0, 0, 47.639770507813);
CreateObject(3051, 1642.11328125, -1057.4012451172, 567.51770019531, 0, 0, 312.3603515625);
CreateObject(13461, 1651.09765625, -1060.4404296875, 569.15374755859, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(16154, 1646.0639648438, -1062.2341308594, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(9362, 1650.2437744141, -1025.9833984375, 568.30499267578, 0, 0, 359.99975585938);
CreateObject(2008, 1659.1457519531, -1032.4428710938, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
CreateObject(1663, 1660.2888183594, -1031.3332519531, 568.01416015625, 0, 0, 274.64562988281);
CreateObject(1494, 1650.65234375, -1033.2751464844, 567.55401611328, 0, 0, 358.01501464844);
CreateObject(1494, 1654.6622314453, -1033.2923583984, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1721, 1649.1938476563, -1049.5083007813, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 180.63439941406);
CreateObject(1721, 1650.0069580078, -1049.4730224609, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 180.63439941406);
CreateObject(1808, 1651.7794189453, -1055.7813720703, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
CreateObject(2606, 1642.2823486328, -1061.2399902344, 568.38195800781, 0, 0, 89.324493408203);
CreateObject(2332, 1651.5026855469, -1029.7855224609, 568.01684570313, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3062, 1652.1416015625, -1033.3363037109, 568.951171875, 0, 0, 1.9849853515625);
CreateObject(3062, 1656.1748046875, -1033.3297119141, 568.951171875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(983, 1649.8677978516, -1039.0511474609, 569.45251464844, 0, 0, 1.9849853515625);
CreateObject(1997, 1655.4167480469, -1021.9371337891, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(932, 1654.0295410156, -1025.0551757813, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 89.324493408203);
CreateObject(2343, 1657.0301513672, -1028.3447265625, 568.12939453125, 0, 0, 85.3544921875);
CreateObject(2146, 1660.0461425781, -1021.655090332, 568.03948974609, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(2518, 1662.1872558594, -1024.3220214844, 567.80395507813, 0, 0, 268.69067382813);
CreateObject(2613, 1662.4686279297, -1024.6944580078, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1523, 1659.0629882813, -1029.1604003906, 567.59405517578, 0, 0, 358.01501464844);
CreateObject(3051, 1658.4758300781, -1029.1580810547, 568.91613769531, 0, 0, 316.33032226563);
CreateObject(2964, 1658.9653320313, -1039.5653076172, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 91.305450439453);
CreateObject(1999, 1653.0498046875, -1033.8531494141, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1663, 1654.0426025391, -1035.3948974609, 568.01416015625, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
CreateObject(2202, 1642.53125, -1063.1345214844, 566.3115234375, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(15036, 1661.6346435547, -1071.1782226563, 564.70098876953, 0, 0, 177.38134765625);
CreateObject(2297, 1650.4152832031, -1039.8133544922, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 47.639770507813);
CreateObject(1814, 1653.4832763672, -1038.3612060547, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
CreateObject(1728, 1655.8933105469, -1038.2625732422, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(1729, 1655.5301513672, -1041.2585449219, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 234.94592285156);
CreateObject(1742, 1662.3901367188, -1039.3349609375, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 274.64562988281);
CreateObject(2028, 1654.0389404297, -1038.3803710938, 568.14367675781, 0, 0, 288.54052734375);
CreateObject(2100, 1662.0393066406, -1042.6772460938, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
CreateObject(2002, 1650.529296875, -1042.8129882813, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
CreateObject(2628, 1660.21484375, -1047.6567382813, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 177.38134765625);
CreateObject(2629, 1657.8830566406, -1047.8128662109, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 179.36633300781);
CreateObject(2627, 1651.58984375, -1047.1766357422, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
CreateObject(2630, 1653.5753173828, -1047.1635742188, 567.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1523, 1654.5451660156, -1051.6403808594, 566.26739501953, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3051, 1656.59765625, -1051.7570800781, 567.77349853516, 0, 0, 316.33032226563);
CreateObject(1302, 1659.7633056641, -1052.1771240234, 566.15551757813, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1776, 1661.0738525391, -1052.3181152344, 567.2548828125, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2613, 1658.8519287109, -1069.048828125, 563.55395507813, 0, 0, 0);
Lifesavers 112.wmv
- Waiting Room
- Reception
- Armory
- Wardrobe
- Showers
- Restroom
- Storage
- Janitor Room
- Kitchen
- Chief office
- Doctor office
- Staff Room

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Mr L - 16.01.2010

man its very good Keep it up

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 16.01.2010

Pretty good! :P
Jaguar Mark 2 Picture

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Mechscape - 16.01.2010


Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Guedes747 - 16.01.2010

Not bad.

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Heerlenking - 16.01.2010

Very detailed.

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - Heigns_Bierd - 16.03.2010

how do you install this!!!

Re: [MAP] Rescue 911 HQ - wolfcock - 19.03.2010

Originally Posted by Heigns_Bierd
how do you install this!!!
You have to put it under "CreateObject"