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Question! Filterscript - Printable Version

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Question! Filterscript - sXecookie - 08.01.2010

How many filterscripts can you have on a server?
And how large can one filterscript be? Unlimited?

Re: Question! Filterscript - Lajko1 - 08.01.2010

uf lol somewhere i see all about server difference between 0.2x and 0.3a i think in 0.2x it was 16 FS's now its Unlimited i think let me check if i get link i post it here

Re: Question! Filterscript - Babul - 08.01.2010

the limit of filterscripts is 16, read the limits @
i dont think that the filterscript size is limited, but i wouldnt try to run a 1 GB-size filterscript ^^

Re: Question! Filterscript - sXecookie - 08.01.2010

allright x'd

Re: Question! Filterscript - Lajko1 - 08.01.2010

Originally Posted by Babul
the limit of filterscripts is 16, read the limits @
i dont think that the filterscript size is limited, but i wouldnt try to run a 1 GB-size filterscript ^^
ye i was searching for that link ^^