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A little help, please - Printable Version

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A little help, please - Guso - 03.01.2010

Since people on my server hated people who ran off when they were on low HP,
i got help to make this thing where it updates ever 15 sec if any player is under 6 hp it will then put them in a crack anim, now my problem is the player who is in the crack anim cannot be killed because he is freezed, how can i make so he can't move but people can kill him?
Or is there a way to do when a player dies, they auto get 10 hp and they get into a /crack anim because then people won't complain about they can't kill the target, here is the code for when they crack
public IsPlayerHealth()
  for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      new Float:health;
      GetPlayerHealth(i, health);
      if(health < 7) // Hvis liv er mindre end 10 sе /cracker du
        ApplyAnimation(i, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
        IsDying[i] = 1;
  return 1;

Re: A little help, please - [HiC]TheKiller - 03.01.2010

I'm sure he isn't able to move when the crack anim is playing so just delete TogglePlayerControllable.

Re: A little help, please - Guso - 04.01.2010

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
I'm sure he isn't able to move when the crack anim is playing so just delete TogglePlayerControllable.
Oh, thats true ! Thanks.
One last thing can i do so he can't use commands? they can get out of the crack anim with /handsup, but they will get back into the crack anim.. But the timer only check every 15 sec if they are low on HP so they can actually get away and heal up.
They can even get out of the anim with just talking.. When people talk on the server their hands move to make it more realistic, and they can just write one sentence and they're out of it, anybody who can help please