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[GameMode] [GM] tAxI's Freeroam World - Back in Dev - Printable Version

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[GM] tAxI's Freeroam World - Back in Dev - cptnsausage - 06.09.2007

[GM] tAxI's Freeroam World - Classic Edition

Here it is guys - the re-release of the very popular tAxI's Freeroam World Classic. A number of people have asked me to repost since my old server for files got deleted and i just managed to find the backups on an old portable hard drive (aren't you all lucky!) lol


- Permanent saving user Reg/Login system with built in 3 level admin system and ALOT of admin commands.
- vehicles all controlled via a single menu system accessed via "/vmenu" command
- vehicle administration system including admin locking for vehicles and admin resetting of vehicles also via /vmenu command
- users can secure their vehicles against theft via either ejecting people or planting a lethal carbomb! - even works when the user is offline.
- users can call their vehicle to them and park their vehicle in places with the vehicle respawning where the user parks
- the only system on sa-mp to save mods directly from mod garages - no messing around with menus etc simply mod ur owned vehicle in a mod garage and it will respawn with ur mods installed where u last parked it.
- full functional fuel system complete with map icons over all refuelling points - refulling points included for large/oversize vehicles and planes and helicopters!
- full featured business system with earnings and buy/sell options. even earns u cash if you are offline.
- both vehicle and business systems are user configurable from external files - for details on how to set these up simply read the Mode sourcecode, users are advised to do so before running this GM.
- map icon streamer system in both versions to allow up to 250 businesses all with icons that show whether the business is bought or available for purchase.
- 24h banking system in all 24/7's for safe storage and permanently saved bank funds even if u die.
- admin chat channel.
- admins can view user stats live.
- mobile phone system for players to converse privately.

Licence: GNU-GPL.

As mentioned above in that list users are strongly advised to read all of the sourcecode and the comments at the top in order to find out how to manage the filesystem that backs up this rather complicated gamemode package - all files included with this package must be included in your scriptfiles directory or the GM will crash on loadup.

I have decided in this release not to re-release the sourcecode for the streamer version as its a bit buggy and to be honest u dont need more han 700 vehicles in this mode :P


//-------------This code was designed by tAxI aka Necrioss------------//
//-------------------email <::>
//---------If you are having problems please feel free to contact me-------//


tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Unlimited V3 - GM Package for SA-MP Multiplayer Modification
of Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas.

Copyright © 2008 Chris Johnstone (tAxI/Necrioss)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.


GNU General Public Licence (


SCRIPT DESIGN AND CONCEPT - Chris Johnstone [AKA] tAxI [AKA] Necrioss
Heres both versions for ya - older version is optomised for R4 release

It is important that you setup your scriptfiles directory properly or the gamemode will not even be able to initiate:

1 - You must create 3 folders within scriptfiles: tAxI_SYS_SETUP, tAxI_SYS_SAVE, tAxI_SYS_PLAYERS
2 - In the setup folder you must place a file named tAxI_vehicles_setup.tAxI and tAxI_businesses_setup.tAxI
3 - The vehicles setup file must contain the co-ords/info of your vehicles to be added into the GM in the following format:

model,x,y,z,z_angle,color1,color2 (each set of co-ords/info for each vehicle must start on a new line)

4 - The businesses setup file must contain the co-ords/info of your businesses to be added into the GM in the following format:

x,y,z,name,price,profit (the profit amount will be transferred to the business cashbox every hour)

I have included demo files for ppl to check and make sure they are doing it ok

Enjoy ppl

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - serj009 - 06.09.2007

FINALLY! thanks SO much taxi! too bad i have skool..-_- ill try it ASAP. THX!

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cesedy - 06.09.2007

yeah, you rock, man but i have 1 question... are you making busines in one city or in whole san andreas?

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 06.09.2007

the new business system will work that u ahve to set it up urself in the same way the vehicles work so u can specify all the business details from a setup file which will be used to create the business saving file on server loadup so u can put them where u want etc...much better than before

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cesedy - 06.09.2007

yes, that sounds good can`t wait for it
hmm.. i tried /countdown command, but gamemode didn`t started any count

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 06.09.2007

Updated to Fix the facing angle bug in the /park command...also now uses create and destroyvehicle instead of just repositioning which removes the sync issues with parking you car

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - serj009 - 07.09.2007

hey taxi, how can i set it to were /setunbuy is only allowed for server owners(level=2)? ^__^

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - Skittle - 07.09.2007

with houses and stuff it would be great.

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 07.09.2007

serj just find the line that checks what admin the player has in the command and set it to 1 instead of 0
should be something like:

PlayerInfo[playerid][admin] > 0

just change the 0 to a 1...same for any other commands

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - dafel2 - 07.09.2007

i need on my server admin on this mood how can i be?? sry for my ENGLISH!(how can i set me to be a admin!)

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 07.09.2007

omw ppl read the redme or just type /help ingame!!!!

for the last freeking time...login to rcon and type /giveadmin

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - milimn - 07.09.2007

when you will make the businesses? I dont install it without^^!
Are they on Sunday Compelete?

sry for my bad English


Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 07.09.2007

its almost done...just a few bugs although thats with the loco modgarage im adding too

so innnext update you will get tuning for every vehicle availlable to be tuned and businesses.

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cesedy - 07.09.2007

can you make that only police can buy police vehicles?

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - y0sh1 - 07.09.2007

Bugs Found (yes ill keep on annoing you taxi ):

1. When i drive someones car and he does /callcar i crash sometimes, when i join back hes invisible or if i dont crash he can also be invisible.

2. /lock and /unlock dont work ( you didnt change /vlock /vunlock to /lock /unlock)

3. when im a passenger i can type /callcar ( this is annoing cuz then sometimes the car spawn infront of the one your in, suggestion to put a security on it like 1 time /callcar per 10/20 seconds )


Since 0.2.2 is out make a 0.2.2 version with /call that you get you phone and on awnser get it and on hang op putting it away

This is controlled by:
little sample of my mod to get your phone
  	if(strcmp(cmd, "/call", true) == 0)
		tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
		if(!strlen(tmp)) {
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Usage: /call [playerid]");
			return 1;
		giveplayerid = strval(tmp);

		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to make a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < CALL_UNIT_COST)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You do not have enough money to make a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (giveplayerid == playerid)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You cannot call yourself!");
		  return 1;
		if (!(IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)))
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "Inactive player id!");
		  return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] > -1)
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You are already on the phone to %s!", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, string);
			return 1;
		if (Calling[giveplayerid] > -1)
			GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is already on the phone, try again later", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			return 1;
			GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is ringing you, type /answer to answer the call or /hangup to ignore it", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You are ringing %s", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
  			Calling[playerid] = giveplayerid;
  			Calling[giveplayerid] = playerid;
			Callerid[playerid] = 1;
		  return 1;
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/answer", true) == 0)
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to answer a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] == -1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "Nobody is calling you!");
		  return 1;
		if (Answered[playerid] == 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You are already on the phone!");
		  return 1;
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has answered your call, talk away", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(Calling[playerid], COLOR_GREEN, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have answered %s's call, talk away", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
  			Answered[playerid] = 1;
  			Answered[Calling[playerid]] = 1;
			Callerid[Calling[playerid]] = 1;
		  return 1;
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/hangup", true) == 0)
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to hang up a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] == -1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You are not on the phone!");
		  return 1;
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has hung up the phone on you", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(Calling[playerid], COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have hung up on %s", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
  			Calling[playerid] = -1;
  			Answered[playerid] = 0;
			Callerid[playerid] = 0;
		  return 1;
This is the whole calling code i use now with the get your phone and hide your phone - Tested and works perfectly

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 07.09.2007

Originally Posted by y0sh1
Bugs Found (yes ill keep on annoing you taxi ):

1. When i drive someones car and he does /callcar i crash sometimes, when i join back hes invisible or if i dont crash he can also be invisible.

2. /lock and /unlock dont work ( you didnt change /vlock /vunlock to /lock /unlock)

3. when im a passenger i can type /callcar ( this is annoing cuz then sometimes the car spawn infront of the one your in, suggestion to put a security on it like 1 time /callcar per 10/20 seconds )


Since 0.2.2 is out make a 0.2.2 version with /call that you get you phone and on awnser get it and on hang op putting it away

This is controlled by:
little sample of my mod to get your phone
  	if(strcmp(cmd, "/call", true) == 0)
		tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
		if(!strlen(tmp)) {
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Usage: /call [playerid]");
			return 1;
		giveplayerid = strval(tmp);

		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to make a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < CALL_UNIT_COST)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You do not have enough money to make a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (giveplayerid == playerid)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You cannot call yourself!");
		  return 1;
		if (!(IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)))
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "Inactive player id!");
		  return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] > -1)
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You are already on the phone to %s!", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, string);
			return 1;
		if (Calling[giveplayerid] > -1)
			GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is already on the phone, try again later", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			return 1;
			GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is ringing you, type /answer to answer the call or /hangup to ignore it", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You are ringing %s", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
  			Calling[playerid] = giveplayerid;
  			Calling[giveplayerid] = playerid;
			Callerid[playerid] = 1;
		  return 1;
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/answer", true) == 0)
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to answer a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] == -1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "Nobody is calling you!");
		  return 1;
		if (Answered[playerid] == 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You are already on the phone!");
		  return 1;
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has answered your call, talk away", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(Calling[playerid], COLOR_GREEN, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have answered %s's call, talk away", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
  			Answered[playerid] = 1;
  			Answered[Calling[playerid]] = 1;
			Callerid[Calling[playerid]] = 1;
		  return 1;
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/hangup", true) == 0)
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][logged] != 1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You must be logged in to hang up a phone call!");
			return 1;
		if (Calling[playerid] == -1)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, "You are not on the phone!");
		  return 1;
			GetPlayerName(Calling[playerid], giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has hung up the phone on you", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(Calling[playerid], COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have hung up on %s", giveplayer);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
  			Calling[playerid] = -1;
  			Answered[playerid] = 0;
			Callerid[playerid] = 0;
		  return 1;
This is the whole calling code i use now with the get your phone and hide your phone - Tested and works perfectly
the bug with the callcar is the bane of my freeking universe right trying to find a way of removing a player from a vehicle prior to it destroying as this seems to mess it up a little lol and players randomly go invisible :S...I'm a bit stumped as to why however so if anyone knows why destroying a vehicle with a player inside does that please tell me how to fix it lol :S

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - milimn - 07.09.2007

When comes the Next Update xD?
Please i Need IT!

sry for my Bad English

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - Lohner91 - 07.09.2007


thank you for the nice Gamemode! Its very very good.
But i have a Question...
Wehn i add a car in the Vehicle Setup File my GTA crash when i will start it (not the Server)

[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] tAxI's Vehicle System Is Initialising, Please Wait...
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] Verifying tAxI_SYS_SETUP/tAxI_vehicles_setup.tAxI (Complete) - 34 Vehicle Spawns Verified!
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 1 (Nevada) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 2 (Andromada) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 3 (Shamal) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 4 (Shamal) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 5 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 6 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 7 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 8 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 9 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 10 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 11 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 12 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 13 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 14 (Hunter) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 15 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 16 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 17 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 18 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 19 (Hydra) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 20 (Barracks) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 21 (Barracks) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 22 (Cargobob) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 23 (Cargobob) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 24 (Leviathan) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 25 (Leviathan) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 26 (Raindance) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 27 (Raindance) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 28 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 29 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 30 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 31 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 32 (Turismo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 33 (Banshee) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 34 (Banshee) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 1 / Type: Nevada
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 2 / Type: Andromada
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 3 / Type: Shamal
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 4 / Type: Shamal
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 5 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 6 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 7 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 8 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 9 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 10 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 11 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 12 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 13 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 14 / Type: Hunter
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 15 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 16 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 17 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 18 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 19 / Type: Hydra
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 20 / Type: Barracks
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 21 / Type: Barracks
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 22 / Type: Cargobob
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 23 / Type: Cargobob
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 24 / Type: Leviathan
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 25 / Type: Leviathan
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 26 / Type: Raindance
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 27 / Type: Raindance
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 28 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 29 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 30 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 31 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 32 / Type: Turismo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 33 / Type: Banshee
[00:14] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World [v0.2.5]
[00:14] ----------------------------------
The Gamemode loaded not 100%, right?
I don`t know what to do, please help me.

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - Shadaez - 08.09.2007

Originally Posted by Lohner91

thank you for the nice Gamemode! Its very very good.
But i have a Question...
Wehn i add a car in the Vehicle Setup File my GTA crash when i will start it (not the Server)

[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] tAxI's Vehicle System Is Initialising, Please Wait...
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] Verifying tAxI_SYS_SETUP/tAxI_vehicles_setup.tAxI (Complete) - 34 Vehicle Spawns Verified!
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 1 (Nevada) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 2 (Andromada) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 3 (Shamal) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 4 (Shamal) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 5 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 6 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 7 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 8 (Dodo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 9 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 10 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 11 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 12 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 13 (Monster Truck) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 14 (Hunter) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 15 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 16 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 17 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 18 (Rustler) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 19 (Hydra) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 20 (Barracks) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 21 (Barracks) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 22 (Cargobob) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 23 (Cargobob) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 24 (Leviathan) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 25 (Leviathan) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 26 (Raindance) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 27 (Raindance) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 28 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 29 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 30 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 31 (Maverick) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 32 (Turismo) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 33 (Banshee) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] --:: Vehicle 34 (Banshee) successfully Loaded and placed - owner: [null] ::--
[00:14] >------------------------------------------------
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 1 / Type: Nevada
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 2 / Type: Andromada
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 3 / Type: Shamal
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 4 / Type: Shamal
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 5 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 6 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 7 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 8 / Type: Dodo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 9 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 10 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 11 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 12 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 13 / Type: Monster Truck
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 14 / Type: Hunter
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 15 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 16 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 17 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 18 / Type: Rustler
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 19 / Type: Hydra
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 20 / Type: Barracks
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 21 / Type: Barracks
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 22 / Type: Cargobob
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 23 / Type: Cargobob
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 24 / Type: Leviathan
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 25 / Type: Leviathan
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 26 / Type: Raindance
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 27 / Type: Raindance
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 28 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 29 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 30 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 31 / Type: Maverick
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 32 / Type: Turismo
[00:14] Fuelling Up Vehicle ID: 33 / Type: Banshee
[00:14] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World [v0.2.5]
[00:14] ----------------------------------
The Gamemode loaded not 100%, right?
I don`t know what to do, please help me.
Same thing happens to me.

Re: [GM] tAxI's RPG/Freeroam World Reloaded [v0.2.5] - cptnsausage - 08.09.2007

redownload and try again...also remake the vehicles may be corrupted