[SOLVED] Opcodes - Printable Version
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[SOLVED] Opcodes -
Calon - 31.12.2009
My servers' players tend to get these on a regular basis, I don't have a clue what could be causing these opcode warnings. Here's the warning I got (a few minutes ago):
I assume it's a code fault, but these do provide a strange code output, which I was hoping someone could help me trace what the problem is?
Thanks, if you can. People barely got these until a few days ago, but I've changed so much in my script in the past few days I'd not be able to trace my steps back.
Re: Opcodes -
Joel_Krantz - 01.01.2010
I get them all the time.
Some of them seems to be bound to coordinates, in some way. (If I pass a "line" I get an opcode warning, and if I continue walking across it it gives me more of them)
Re: Opcodes -
Calon - 01.01.2010
Do all of your players get it though, on a regular basis?
Re: Opcodes -
Calon - 09.01.2010
Fixed, for the record: I forgot to reset car mods when a player buys a new car, so the vehicle would carry over unstable modifications, causing the opcodes.