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Greasemonkey Scripts Specific for SA-MP Forum Posts! - Printable Version

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Greasemonkey Scripts Specific for SA-MP Forum Posts! - LarzI - 25.12.2009

Hi all!
I found an old topic I once created about PAWN tags.
Back then, ****** made two scripts for us which requires the Firefox addon Greasemonkey.
Those two scripts, am I going to post here so you can use them.

Tab in posts:

Originally Posted by Y_Leѕѕ
OK, I just MAJORLY update it - it now rocks!

Press tab - get a tab.
Select some text and press tab - replace that text with a tab.
Select a whole line and press tab - indent that line.
Select across multiple lines and press tab - indent all the lines.
Select a whole line or multiple part lines and press shift-tab - outdent the lines.
Maintains selected area for repeated indentations and outdentations.

The only very tiny bug is that pressing tab in an area of the textbox which by default would be out of view causes the textbox to scroll back to the top, not sure why yet. Anyway, it's at the same address.

Yes you need Firefox and Greasemonkey.

And I really HATE tab scripts as it means I can't press tab-enter to post something, as I just realised when I tried to post this.
PAWN Tags button (+ Anchor button & H1-H4 buttons) in posts:

You will need Firefox and Greasemonkey, as ****** stated in his post.
So here you are:



All credits goes to ****** and his impressive skills!

EDIT: Here's a link to the topic where this was discussed:

Re: Greasemonkey Scripts Specific for SA-MP Forum Posts! - saiberfun - 25.12.2009

nice will test it soon

Re: Greasemonkey Scripts Specific for SA-MP Forum Posts! - SlashPT - 14.03.2010

thanks im using it!

Re: Greasemonkey Scripts Specific for SA-MP Forum Posts! - LarzI - 02.09.2010


Want to inform everyone