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[Map] [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - Printable Version

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[MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - xDENNNIISSSS - 14.12.2009

Here is my new map.
I hope you enjoy.


CreateObject(7392, 2913.3229980469, -2065.1079101563, 1.8205165863037, 0.000000, 0.000000, 356.03002929688); //
CreateObject(13594, 2906.6049804688, -2051.6623535156, 3.5457906723022, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67492675781); //
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CreateObject(1655, 2972.2236328125, -2051.62890625, 11.78521156311, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.68713378906); //
CreateObject(1655, 2985.4736328125, -2051.62890625, 15.78521156311, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.68713378906); //
CreateObject(1655, 3000.4736328125, -2051.62890625, 20.28521156311, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.68713378906); //
CreateObject(1655, 3015.4736328125, -2051.62890625, 24.53521156311, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.68713378906); //
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CreateObject(3865, 3031.873046875, -2054.576171875, 27.851779937744, 0.000000, 0.000000, 266.7041015625); //
CreateObject(3865, 3032.0795898438, -2050.251953125, 27.851779937744, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.681640625); //
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CreateObject(13594, 3038.5649414063, -2050.5107421875, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
CreateObject(13594, 3039.6889648438, -2050.5107421875, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
CreateObject(13594, 3040.5908203125, -2050.5107421875, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
CreateObject(13594, 3037.3408203125, -2054.9111328125, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
CreateObject(13594, 3038.6166992188, -2054.9111328125, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
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CreateObject(13594, 3040.615234375, -2054.9111328125, 26.705787658691, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.67016601563); //
CreateObject(3865, 3045.4038085938, -2050.4262695313, 27.426774978638, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.681640625); //
CreateObject(3865, 3045.3291015625, -2055.4755859375, 27.65177154541, 0.000000, 0.000000, 268.681640625); //
CreateObject(3865, 3054.275390625, -2055.7744140625, 27.276777267456, 356.0299987793, 5.9549865722656, 268.681640625); //
CreateObject(3865, 3063.1977539063, -2056.0522460938, 25.976778030396, 348.08850097656, 5.95458984375, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3071.2094726563, -2056.3286132813, 24.276781082153, 348.08532714844, 5.9490966796875, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3079.8852539063, -2056.4775390625, 21.901786804199, 342.13037109375, 5.9490966796875, 270.6611328125); //
CreateObject(3865, 3088.3876953125, -2056.4775390625, 19.151782989502, 342.12524414063, 5.943603515625, 270.6591796875); //
CreateObject(3865, 3054.4033203125, -2050.7275390625, 26.776784896851, 352.05999755859, 0.000000, 268.681640625); //
CreateObject(3865, 3063.1533203125, -2051.0263671875, 25.076780319214, 346.10192871094, 0.000000, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3071.8256835938, -2051.3251953125, 22.92681312561, 346.09680175781, 0.000000, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3079.0004882813, -2051.5991210938, 21.151840209961, 346.09680175781, 0.000000, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3087.75, -2051.8974609375, 18.976831436157, 346.09680175781, 0.000000, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3110, 3102.6770019531, -2057.4038085938, 14.599998474121, 93.295013427734, 352.05993652344, 268.68994140625); //
CreateObject(974, 3096.1645507813, -2065.5861816406, 13.42733001709, 0.000000, 0.000000, 342.13500976563); //
CreateObject(974, 3090.6689453125, -2063.8618164063, 13.42733001709, 0.000000, 0.000000, 342.13073730469); //
CreateObject(974, 3090.6689453125, -2060.861328125, 13.42733001709, 0.000000, 0.000000, 260.74633789063); //
CreateObject(3865, 3096.8735351563, -2059.3974609375, 9.1268196105957, 270.66735839844, 0.000000, 268.67614746094); //
CreateObject(3865, 3096.8979492188, -2059.4970703125, -0.023180877789855, 270.66467285156, 7.9400024414063, 244.85626220703); //
CreateObject(1318, 3096.9116210938, -2061.3911132813, 14.128198623657, 0.000000, 0.000000, 81.385009765625); //
CreateObject(1318, 3096.1870117188, -2061.2661132813, 14.128198623657, 0.000000, 0.000000, 81.381225585938); //
CreateObject(1318, 3095.6108398438, -2061.0903320313, 14.128198623657, 0.000000, 0.000000, 69.471221923828); //
CreateObject(1225, 3097.9733886719, -2059.4453125, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3097.5493164063, -2059.9453125, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3096.9760742188, -2060.2690429688, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3096.2514648438, -2060.0444335938, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3095.8984375, -2059.4443359375, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3096.0478515625, -2058.8666992188, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3096.5229492188, -2058.3881835938, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3097.224609375, -2058.2114257813, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3097.6987304688, -2058.6362304688, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(1225, 3096.9262695313, -2059.2084960938, 2.75, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //
CreateObject(3859, 3096.5114746094, -2059.0131835938, 6.4038496017456, 50.893920898438, 23.820007324219, 346.10501098633); //

AddStaticVehicle(522, 2899.5927734375, -2050.4948730469, 3.208420753479, 268.68994140625, -1, -1); //0
AddStaticVehicle(522, 2899.5927734375, -2051.396484375, 3.208420753479, 268.68713378906, -1, -1); //1
AddStaticVehicle(522, 2899.5927734375, -2052.3427734375, 3.208420753479, 268.68713378906, -1, -1); //2

[img width=1024 height=640][/img]
[img width=1024 height=640][/img]
[img width=1024 height=637][/img]

Made by TheOriginal (In game name)

[MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - xDENNNIISSSS - 14.12.2009

On the pictures it looks shorter than it is.

Its a lil bit longer

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - Karlip - 14.12.2009


[img width=1024 height=637][/img]

According to my eye, there's water in there.

Nice map.

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - Lotusmp - 14.12.2009

Very nice keep practisin

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - nGen.SoNNy - 14.12.2009

Good job with the maps but it changes like those of ramp space messing me about and not just me

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - MrLeNy - 31.12.2009

if you could provide coordination to teleport

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - `FuTuRe- - 01.01.2010

Nice map m8

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 01.01.2010

Originally Posted by `FuTuRe-
Nice map m8

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - Guedes747 - 01.01.2010

Funny map Keep up.

Re: [MAP] Dead Ending - NRG Stunt(short) - xDENNNIISSSS - 01.01.2010

Originally Posted by MrLeNy
if you could provide coordination to teleport
Its close to CJ's home. So easy to find. ;P