looking for ideas - Printable Version
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looking for ideas -
borna - 13.12.2009
hi! im looking for ideas for new gamemode script... any ideas are welcome
Re: looking for ideas -
wafffllesss - 13.12.2009
Originally Posted by Borna
hi! im looking for ideas for new gamemode script... any ideas are welcome
Did you ever watched Death Race?
Make a GameMode like that!
I was doing it but stopped.. i'm now working on Super Powers for players... they are able to fly, launch meteors teleport, become invisible.. are super strong, super fast and things like this =P
My brother loves it =D
( Ever watched jumper? well... playing with my brother look like this )
Re: looking for ideas -
cmg4life - 13.12.2009
@ Wafffllesss
Super Jump too (on key just add some velocity on Z)
Re: looking for ideas -
wafffllesss - 13.12.2009
Originally Posted by cmg4life
@ Wafffllesss
Super Jump too (on key just add some velocity on Z) 
Already did =D its great to jump buildings in LS :P.
the powers have a control.. the most you hold the "Power Button" the powers react different.
Teleport - teleports farest.
Jump - Jumps higher and farest.
Meteor - Lauches a more or less powerfull meteor.. things like this =]
Re: looking for ideas -
Malice - 14.12.2009
Script a server that is just a movie in real-time.