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class selection - Printable Version

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class selection - gjsnoop10 - 13.12.2009

ok here is my problem i am just learning scripting and one thing i am trying to learn is how to make skins like CJ appear on the class selection but when i script all the codes it always shows the class selection on a elevator in LV or SF here is my coding

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)

return 1;


Re: class selection - DJDhan - 13.12.2009

Well where do you want your player standing and the camera position an stuff?
You need to get the coordinates from going to samp_debug in gta directory and when you are in game,stand where you want the class slection and type in "/save" and it will save your position in your gta directory as savedpositions.Get the coordinated and repalce Setplayerpos and Setcameralookat corrdinates with the one's you got from the file.

Re: class selection - gjsnoop10 - 13.12.2009

my coordinates are right there i went to debug and typed /save then got s good camera position a little bit farther then pressed save then i went to saved positions got the player position pasted it in to setplayerpos and also pasted it in setcameralookat then got the camera position pasted it into setcamerapos then i poot a setfacingangle and got the numbers for the player position after the fourth comma

Re: class selection - gjsnoop10 - 13.12.2009

i figured out wat i was doing wrong i no longer need help with this situation