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How do you make a NPC? - Printable Version

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How do you make a NPC? - DeltaAirlines12 - 12.12.2009

How do you make a NPC? If you know, can you explain very detailed?
I have searched and didn't find anything that was helpful

Re: How do you make a NPC? - LarzI - 13.12.2009

Sorry, but if you have searched, you haven't searched well.

Re: How do you make a NPC? - DeltaAirlines12 - 13.12.2009

Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
Sorry, but if you have searched, you haven't searched well.
OMG, :O Not you again, lol, haven't you helped me enough? Anyway, I will check it out. Thanks for helping me alot ^^

Re: How do you make a NPC? - DeltaAirlines12 - 13.12.2009

Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
Sorry, but if you have searched, you haven't searched well.
I tried it then got a problem....
when I try the command /rcon loadfs ncp_record (after I logged into rcon) it says it failed to load the filterscript.... what do I do

Re: How do you make a NPC? - LarzI - 13.12.2009

Can't help "enough" lol.
Have I helped you before today? I can't remember x'D
Anyways, no problem :]

Try redownloading the 0.3 Scripting Package ;P

EDIT2: I'm off to bed lol, night :]