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Check is player loses health - Printable Version

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Check is player loses health - Tyain - 12.12.2009

I need a function or something that check's if a certain player loses health.

So far I couldn't do that.

For example, if payer loses health ---- do something..


Re: Check is player loses health - Correlli - 12.12.2009

There are many filterscripts with useful callbacks and even a plugin if i'm correct. Search for "OnPlayerLoseHealth".

Re: Check is player loses health - LarzI - 12.12.2009

I believe the callback you are thinking of Don Correlli, is in YUP.
Anyways, if you don't want to use more callbacks, just use OnPlayerUpdate
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
  if( fUpdateHealth != g_fUpdateHealth );
    //health has changed
  return true;

Re: Check is player loses health - hipy - 12.12.2009

Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
I believe the callback you are thinking of Don Correlli, is in YUP.
Anyways, if you don't want to use more callbacks, just use OnPlayerUpdate
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
  if( fUpdateHealth != g_fUpdateHealth );
    //health has changed
  return true;
Do you have any idea how often onplayerupdate is called? yes A LOT per seconds.
Wouldn't recommend this.

Re: Check is player loses health - Tyain - 12.12.2009

But i want to detect if player loses health onder the OnPlayerKeyStateChange, and that is already a plublic function..

Re: Check is player loses health - RyDeR` - 12.12.2009

Originally Posted by hipy
Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
I believe the callback you are thinking of Don Correlli, is in YUP.
Anyways, if you don't want to use more callbacks, just use OnPlayerUpdate
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
  if( fUpdateHealth != g_fUpdateHealth );
    //health has changed
  return true;
Do you have any idea how often onplayerupdate is called? yes A LOT per seconds.
Wouldn't recommend this.
20-30 times in one second.
You have to divide 1 with 25 so 40-50 ms.

Re: Check is player loses health - Tyain - 12.12.2009

And about my question? Anything?!

Re: Check is player loses health - Tyain - 14.12.2009
