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Problem with macro - Printable Version

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Problem with macro - -xy! - 11.12.2009

Good morning. I'm making a macro in order to traverse the vector of a variable, but as I do not know much about macros, is giving an error:
error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
pawn Код:
#define percorrerVetor(%1[%2])\
        for(new %3; %3 < %2; %3++)\
        goto loopstart;\
And how I write this macro (or function) more readable and better performance?


Re: Problem with macro - yom - 11.12.2009

You have that error because you put a \ at the end, so the compiler think you want to include the next -empty- line as part of the macro.

There are other problems:

You don't have a third parameter in the pattern, but later you use %3.
You need to add a space between the pattern and the replacement.
You should put the replacement inside brackets.
You should put a ; at the end of the pattern.

pawn Код:
#define percorrerVetor(%1[%2],%3); \
  for(new %3; %3 < %2; %3++)\
  goto loopstart;\