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I ASK IN GAME MODE TOPIC BUT NOONE ANSWER ME - how to start paintball!!! - Printable Version

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I ASK IN GAME MODE TOPIC BUT NOONE ANSWER ME - how to start paintball!!! - buonggiorno - 10.12.2009

Hi to all

i use godfather gm and there is paintball arena...when player join in paintball arena all become freeze and we cant play...we wait 5 minutes nothing to start paintball match

what to type in gamemode there is not cmd

Re: I ASK IN GAME MODE TOPIC BUT NOONE ANSWER ME - how to start paintball!!! - BP13 - 10.12.2009

You haven't even waited only 5 hours for a reply on the actual Game Mode.

Re: I ASK IN GAME MODE TOPIC BUT NOONE ANSWER ME - how to start paintball!!! - Blaze09 - 10.12.2009

Post on the gamemode topic, and be patient.