[FS] Notime's Firework -
notime - 09.12.2009
Hi im Notime and i was bored one day and thought about new year so i came up with the idea to make firework
i made it a while ago, and thought now is the time to release it and see what people think about it.
Script Info:
/lightfw [firework name]
Firework names: firecracker, firerocket1, firerocket2
- theres a fire cracker, it spawns a little smoke grenade object and after a few seconds a tiny explosion appears(explosion is not killable, if your standing on the object itself, the max. damage is 80hp).
- Fire rocket 1, its a simple fire rocket that goes up in the air till 30metre, if its in the air it will explode and a few lights apear, falling down.
- fire rocket 2, this fire rocket is bigger than the first one. it goes up in the air 50metre, there will be some huge explosions, a few white lights will fall down and the lights will split with explosions into other lights with the colors red and white.
this is the fire rocket 1
here are some screen of the fire rocket 2
NOTE: if you dont see any objects, or very less objects with the high draw distance, try using the low draw distance version. if that doesnt work, increase your draw distance settings ingame.
Low Draw distrance: High Draw Distance:
Low Draw distrance: High Draw Distance:
Low Draw distrance:
Pastebin Low Draw Distance
High Draw Distance:
Pastebin High Draw Distance
Please dont claim this FS as yours.
i hope you like it, and tell me what you think
(if you find a bug, please tell me)
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Lotusmp - 09.12.2009
Merry Christmas
Very nice work dude! I hope u will make more good FS's
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Correlli - 09.12.2009
Good work, keep it up.
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
notime - 09.12.2009
Originally Posted by <Davis>
Merry Christmas
Very nice work dude! I hope u will make more good FS's
will certainly do, if i got ideas ofc :P
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Lotusmp - 09.12.2009
Thats il like a good work!!
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Fj0rtizFredde - 09.12.2009
Good Job
I like the fire cracker
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Haji - 09.12.2009
Good job dude.
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
Dainyzxz - 10.12.2009
nice script
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
ImRico - 10.12.2009
If i add it, command are appearing but the explosio wont come ..
Re: [FS] Notime's Firework -
pliva_sb - 10.12.2009
Nice,I like it