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Problem with .3a Cant figure it out - Printable Version

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Problem with .3a Cant figure it out - chevyrulzs2010 - 09.12.2009

Ok so im having a problem with ARP's Server.

When I log in, im at the point where i can select my skin, and everything is working fine, no text lag or anything.

Once i do /login ******* i spawn at my last location. The problem is its at this point i experience text lag. I can type anything on the server and other people can see it but i can not. Also very few cars ever load if any do. I can run around the whole server and people tell me (over vent) that they are right in front of me, but i can not see them. They can run me over with cars and i never take any damage. ((Also thought it was worth noting, two times out of about 100 i have had about half the servers cars load, but when i would run to them, they would disappear, and i would get a message Warning: Vehicle XXX was not deleted.))

We arnt sure if this is a server side bug or a client side bug. I am the only one experiencing these problems, but yet i can play on any other server fine.

I have reinstalled my GTA and SAMP completely. I have removed all mods. I have done about everything i can think of to resolve this problem.

I am running vista, with gta version 3, and a streamer mem fix version 2. I have samp .3a installed.

Please help me fix this problem. I have contacted the server owner, and scripters, and we have tried nearly everything to fix this problem with no luck.

Re: Problem with .3a Cant figure it out - luckieluuk - 09.12.2009

GTA version 3? I suppose you downgraded to 1.0? Else SA-MP shouldnt even be able to start in GTA... What is a streamer mem fix?

Re: Problem with .3a Cant figure it out - chevyrulzs2010 - 10.12.2009

Yes, i did downgrade to version 1. The streamermemfix is supposed to up the amount of memory that you can use to stream cars, and make things sync better.

Re: Problem with .3a Cant figure it out - minimicro - 23.12.2009

I have same problem on my server ... How to fix this ?