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*HELP*How I can add player class - Printable Version

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*HELP*How I can add player class - waim - 07.12.2009

Hello !!

I wanna spawned some players is same place

but I dont know ID class I read that :

and I dont understand please Explain to me

Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - Goobiiify - 07.12.2009

If you don't know the skin id's, than check out:

AddPlayerClass( SkinID, X, Y, Z, A, WeaponID1, AMMO1, WEaponID2, AMMO2, WeaponID3, AMMO3);
AddPlayerClass( SkinID, X, Y, Z, A, WeaponID1, AMMO1, WEaponID2, AMMO2, WeaponID3, AMMO3);
AddPlayerClass( SkinID, X, Y, Z, A, WeaponID1, AMMO1, WEaponID2, AMMO2, WeaponID3, AMMO3);

Change the values to your own, Hopes it help.

Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - waim - 07.12.2009

not ID skins I want ID class where players spawned

Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - Goobiiify - 07.12.2009

Originally Posted by waim
not ID skins I want ID class where players spawned
Just fill into X,Y,Z,A with is positions. A is camera Angel.

Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - waim - 07.12.2009

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,classid)
  if(classid == 3 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"This skin is only for admins!");
    return 0;
  return 1;
playerid ID of the player who entered class selection.

classid The ID of the current class being viewed, classids are assigned when AddPlayerClass is used, and is also returned by it.

me I need Classid the ID

Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - waim - 08.12.2009


Re: *HELP*How I can add player class - Emmet_ - 08.12.2009

This will be a test class. Place it under the OnGameModeInIt function.

AddPlayerClass(265,1630.6813,-2259.4365,13.4938,342.5303,27,500,0,0,0,0); //

You spawn as Officer Tenpenny with a Combat Shotgun holding 500 bullets at the Los Santos Airport. It's really simple to do.

"265" is the Skin ID. Search for them on SA-MP wikipedia.

"1630.6813,-2259.4365,13.4938,342.5303," is the X,Y,Z, and Angle. Do /save in game and look in your "savedpositions.txt" file for the positions.

"27,500" is weapon 1, and the ammo that was assigned to the player. Look on SA-MP wikipedia for a list of weapon ID's.

AddPlayerClass(Skin ID,X,Y,Z,Angle,Weapon 1,Ammo 1,Weapon 2,Ammo 2,Weapon 3,Ammo 3); //

It's really easy... Hope this helped.