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Someone Can make this? - Printable Version

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Someone Can make this? - TombR1D3R - 07.12.2009


Re: Someone Can make this? - laserhel50 - 07.12.2009

Name Of The Server: none.
Who Maked this[You're Name]: PAWN did.
You want to come in our server and get Admin?: no. (download link.)

there u go.

Re: Someone Can make this? - miokie - 07.12.2009

So your basically asking for a free unreleased gamemode?

If you are, ask in the script request thread.

Re: Someone Can make this? - TombR1D3R - 07.12.2009

Its Empty folder. Make a good before you post.

Re: Someone Can make this? - laserhel50 - 07.12.2009

Originally Posted by TombR1D3R
Its Empty folder. Make a good before you post.
u even saw it? its a .pwn script... wtf r u talkin about a folder?