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Help pls ... - Sliper - 07.12.2009

I created a pickup and i want to know how to do this : If i wil pick the pickup it will be destroyed ...but i dont know ,how to create timer what will recreate the pickup after cca 15minutes .... thank

Re: Help pls ... - DeathOnaStick - 07.12.2009

Click(Destroy a Pickup)

Re: Help pls ... - [Marevin*] - 07.12.2009

Something like this?
new MyPickup;
public OnGameModeInit()
   MyPickup = CreatePickup(lalalalalallala);
public OnGameModeExit()

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid,pickupid)
   if(pickupid == MyPickup)
      ...what the pickup should do
      SetTimerEx("PickupRespawn", Time, false, "d"); //

forward PickupRespawn()
   MyPickup = CreatePickup(lalalalalallala);
   return 1;
Modify it as you need of course.