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SetVehicleZAngle question - Printable Version

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SetVehicleZAngle question - s1cr0n - 04.12.2009

Hi, I have a question regarding SetVehicleZAngle
I've noticed that this function is working if there's a players inside a vehicle, but is not working in empty vehicles.
Has anyone any idea how to make it work on empty vehicles ?

I need something like this:

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) //callback
		SetVehiclePos(vehicleid,CarInfo[vehicleid][cLocationx], CarInfo[vehicleid][cLocationy], CarInfo[vehicleid][cLocationz]);
		SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, CarInfo[vehicleid][cAngle]);
I mention that values from CarInfo are dymanic, and SetVehiclePos is wotking but it remains with the angle witch the vehicle was added ingame with

Thank you,


Re: SetVehicleZAngle question - s1cr0n - 04.12.2009

Originally Posted by Seif_
It's desynced.
meaning.. it's bugged on empty vehicles ?

Re: SetVehicleZAngle question - s1cr0n - 04.12.2009

Originally Posted by Seif_
Originally Posted by s1cr0n
Originally Posted by Seif_
It's desynced.
meaning.. it's bugged on empty vehicles ?
Yes I suppose. In 0.2, even SetVehiclePos was desynced, but it got fixed. Kye forgot to fix the angle.
Oh, sorry to hear that.

Then I guess, I should use DestoyVehicle then CreateVehicle with the new parameters..
I'm using this .. now. just that sometimes my vehicle id's get desynced in the script because there must be updated in a sql database
too, and alot of parameters must be migrated from the destroyed vehicle's id to the new one's id.

PS: If anyone has any other idea, please tell.

Thank you very much for your answer Seif_
Have a nice day!
