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[not a bug and fixed]OnPlayerUpdate in samp0.3a - Printable Version

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[not a bug and fixed]OnPlayerUpdate in samp0.3a - oicq747285250 - 04.12.2009

forward ...

public OnPlayerHealthChange(playerid, Float:newhealth, Float:oldhealth)
  do something lots...
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) 
		GetPlayerHealth(playerid, iNewPlayerHealth[playerid]);
		if(iNewPlayerHealth[playerid] != iPlayerHealth[playerid])
		  OnPlayerHealthChange(playerid, iNewPlayerHealth[playerid], iPlayerHealth[playerid]);
		  iPlayerHealth[playerid] = iNewPlayerHealth[playerid];
then in game all the players' movement do not appear
and cant see their run,fight,aiming etc....

Re: OnPlayerUpdate in samp0.3a - Balon - 04.12.2009

Because you should return 1 in OnPlayerUpdate.

Re: OnPlayerUpdate in samp0.3a - oicq747285250 - 04.12.2009

I love you
it fixed