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MTA car converter? - Printable Version

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MTA car converter? - AirGuy92 - 03.12.2009

I know that there are a few object converters that convert MTA objects to pawn code.
I'm wondering if there's anything like that for cars?

Re: MTA car converter? - Andy_McKinley - 03.12.2009

I'm also looking for this (don't come with sampdebug...)

Re: MTA car converter? - Streetplaya - 03.12.2009 ?

Re: MTA car converter? - AirGuy92 - 03.12.2009

Nope, this isn't what I was looking for.

EDIT: Yes it was, I found it

Re: MTA car converter? - SlashPT - 03.12.2009

are you looking for a script can convert if its this and you found it plz put here i want too

Re: MTA car converter? - Streetplaya - 04.12.2009

Originally Posted by DarK_TeaM PT
are you looking for a script can convert if its this and you found it plz put here i want too
He already solved his problem