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Get warning with OnPlayerPrivMsg - Printable Version

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Get warning with OnPlayerPrivMsg - whitedragon - 03.12.2009

i get warning like:
public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerPrivmsg")
the lines are
public OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[])
	return 0;
how i fix it?

Re: Get warning with OnPlayerPrivMsg - MPKaboose - 03.12.2009

the function was removed in .3 so you may remove it or create you're own if you used it

Re: Get warning with OnPlayerPrivMsg - whitedragon - 03.12.2009

Ok thhanks i remove it then

Re: Get warning with OnPlayerPrivMsg - MPKaboose - 03.12.2009

you're welcome

Edit: if you may need that function there might be one somewhere in the forum