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Command isn't working - Printable Version

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Command isn't working - EirikhO - 03.12.2009


My command, which looks like this:
pawn Код:
    #pragma unused params
        new turt[2048];
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,rsb,2,"select plz",turt,"yes","no");
    return 1;
isn't working. It returns the unknown command-message when tried in-game. It is included in onplayercommandtext (dcmd(ko,2,cmdtext), and I have the DCMD-define line. All my other commands work as they should. I have tried removing the lines
pawn Код:
new turt[2048];
and thus changing the line below to
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,rsb,2,"select plz",destb(),"yes","no")
but it dont work.

Is there anyone out there hearing my scream for some help?

Thanks, EirikhO.

Re: Command isn't working - ExoSanty - 03.12.2009

forgot to compile and upload/replace the script ?

Re: Command isn't working - EirikhO - 03.12.2009

No, compiled and restarted. The error is in the script.