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Using callbacks in a include - Printable Version

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Using callbacks in a include - Remi-X - 29.11.2009

Hi, I wanted to know how I can use normal callbacks in includes? I thought I saw it earlier in other includes, but I don't know which anymore.
I want to use OnGameModeInit with a include, but I want to hold that callback in my GameMode. I know I can make a callback in the include called OnGameModeInit2, and start it with a script.

But I don't want to do that. I want to use OnGameModeInit in my includes, and in my GM. Without any scripts that calls a callback, or namechanges.


Re: Using callbacks in a include - saiberfun - 29.11.2009

Originally Posted by Remi-X
Hi, I wanted to know how I can use normal callbacks in includes? I thought I saw it earlier in other includes, but I don't know which anymore.
I want to use OnGameModeInit with a include, but I want to hold that callback in my GameMode. I know I can make a callback in the include called OnGameModeInit2, and start it with a script.

But I don't want to do that. I want to use OnGameModeInit in my includes, and in my GM. Without any scripts that calls a callback, or namechanges.

you can't since the include isnt ur gm i guess :P
so OnGameModeInit doesn't get called there

Re: Using callbacks in a include - Luka P. - 29.11.2009

Yeah, I try that too, and getting ""OnGameModeInit" is already defined."
Hmm, I think that isn't possible.

Re: Using callbacks in a include - Remi-X - 29.11.2009

But I saw enough includes (dunno which anymore) who does what I want.
public OnGameModeInit()
#if defined ALS_OnGameModeInit
  undef OnGameModeInit
//or something, with a little more script. It was a bit like this, I thought.
#include <ChocolateInclude>

public OnGameModeInit()
Without any errors, warnings or problems.

Re: Using callbacks in a include - Zeex - 29.11.2009

Re: Using callbacks in a include - Luka P. - 29.11.2009


Re: Using callbacks in a include - Remi-X - 29.11.2009

So, I'm supposed to do this:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
  if (funcidx("Chocolate_OnGameModeInit") != -1)
    return CallLocalFunction("Chocolate_OnGameModeInit", "");
  return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
  #undef OnGameModeInit
  #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#define OnGameModeInit Chocolate_OnGameModeInit
forward Chocolate_OnGameModeInit();
pawn Код:
#include <ChocolateInclude>

public OnGameModeInit()
  return 1;

Re: Using callbacks in a include - dice7 - 29.11.2009

The simplest way is
pawn Код:
// streamer.h
stock StartStreaming()
  //stuff to init
pawn Код:
#include <streamer>

public OnGameModeInit()
  return 1;

Re: Using callbacks in a include - Remi-X - 29.11.2009

Originally Posted by dice7
The simplest way is
No, that isn't what I wanted. That's exactly what I DIDN'T want. I think that's irritating after almost 20 includes with little scripts, which I'm making.
Don't ask why I'm using 20 includes, because I'll answer it already for you: Than are all my scripts easier to edit and read. I'm getting confused if I'm using a lot of lines with a lot of little functions, so this is much and much easier for me.