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how to make server signature? - Printable Version

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how to make server signature? - ft941 - 29.11.2009

how can I create a signature for my server in php?
alterivista is appropriate?

Re: how to make server signature? - darkrider366 - 29.11.2009

You need PHP to read a file with your users stats. Get the stats and print them to a dynamic image.
If you want your servers info. You'll need to have a PHP SAMP Query script. print the results to the image.

Re: how to make server signature? - iLinx - 29.11.2009
^how to create images with php
^downloading files through ftp and reading files
^using a mysql database (if your script is mysql based)

For user stats you will also need to understand the $_GET method unless you want to have a seperate php script for each user

If you just want a banner that displays server stats use ->

Re: how to make server signature? - ft941 - 29.11.2009
it work on my pc!!!

i've easyphp

someone can explain why?

Re: how to make server signature? - MrConso99 - 29.02.2012

Sorry for old topic update.
1) See my signature [ITA] guardami la firma, in LIVE SERVER SIGNATURE
2) Download the source on LIVE SERVER SIGNATURE [ITA]Scarica il source.