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[Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - Printable Version

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[Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - Andrew_David - 26.11.2009

hey guys i need make a command but im not a pro. so can you help me? this is a example:

Some one see you and wanna ''say hi'' but with the command /sup [1-2], but thats players can do it on same time so i wanna make the command /accept sup.

i mean a player come and type: /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2]
the another player for accept it type: /Accept Sup
i wanna this for do it on same time thanks very much. : )

Sup Command: Direct link to pastebin. normal link

Re: [Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - KnooL - 26.11.2009

Originally Posted by dice7
pawn Код:
forward GetClosestPlayer(p1);
public GetClosestPlayer(p1)
    new x,Float:dis,Float:dis2,player;
    player = -1;
    dis = 99999.99;
    for (x=0;x<MAX_PLAYERS;x++)
            if(x != p1)
                dis2 = GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(x,p1);
                if(dis2 < dis && dis2 != -1.00)
                    dis = dis2;
                    player = x;
    return player;
pawn Код:
    new Float:x1,Float:y1,Float:z1,Float:x3,Float:y3,Float:z3;
    if (!IsPlayerConnected(p1) || !IsPlayerConnected(p2)){
        return -1.00;
    return floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(x3,x1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(y3,y1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(z3,z1)),2));

Re: [Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - Andrew_David - 26.11.2009

Ok. thanks you but how should i put it in the pawno with the /sup command? thanks you.

Re: [Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - IamNotKoolllll - 26.11.2009

Originally Posted by Andrew_David
Ok. thanks you but how should i put it in the pawno with the /sup command? thanks you.
I'm not sure either, but i think you have to just stick it under the command line

Re: [Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - Andrew_David - 26.11.2009

check the errors
: warning 221: label name "Float" shadows tag name
error 017: undefined symbol "GetDistanceBetweenPlayers"
error 017: undefined symbol "p1"
warning 213: tag mismatch
error 017: undefined symbol "p1"
error 017: undefined symbol "p2"
warning 213: tag mismatch
warning 225: unreachable code
warning 203: symbol is never used: "Float"
error 017: undefined symbol "GetDistanceBetweenPlayers"

Re: [Help] /Sup [PartOfName/ID] [1-2] - Andrew_David - 27.11.2009

someone will help me?